Every baseball and softball player wants to get quicker and faster. The difference of running down a ball in the gap or beating a throw by sliding home to score a run can make a difference in a big game.
I'm going to show you a simple and inexpensive exercise that will improve your first step, your batting average, your defense and at the same time will improve your speed and quickness.
But before I do, I want to remind you of the MVP Baseball Clinic featuring Ozzie Smith, the legendary shortstop for the St. Louis Cardinals,. Ozzie will sign copies of his book, “Ozzie Smith: Road to Cooperstown” Monday, June 29th in Arnold, MO.
The one-day clinic will be held at Big Hitter Baseball and Softball Academy located at 2120 Tenbrook Road. Check-in will be 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. with the clinic taking place 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
The clinic consists of three sessions:
· Session A: Unlocking the Secrets of the MVP Mindset
· Session B: How to Improve your Speed, Agility and Quickness
· Session C: Ozzie Smith book signing of
“Ozzie Smith: Road to Cooperstown”
For more info call 314-831-7505 or log onto
http://www.mvpbaseballtips.com/Now for today's tip:
The exercise that I'm talking about that will add speed and quickness to your tools is jumping rope.
The benefits of this simple but yet complex training technique ranks as also an ideal brain exercise, bone builder, and as one of the most efficient ways of improving cardiovascular fitness in as little as ten minutes.
According to research jump rope for a minimum of five minutes a day can improve your foot speed and when you build to ten minutes of nonstop jumping at 120 RPMs it can provide the same benefits as 30 minutes of jogging!
Simple grab a jump rope and do the following:
1. Start with the jump rope in each hand.
2. Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope under your feet.
3.Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope under your feet.
4.Continue for the prescribed number of 500 jumps or for 5 minutes.