Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Express Bodyweight Workout

I recently met with actor and dancer Darrin Henson to talk about my favorite subject FITNESS. Henson, who played "Lem Van Adams" in the Showtime series Soul Food and "Grant" in the movie Stomp The Yard is a fitness buff and uses bodyweight training as a workout technique for his busy schedule.

Staying in shape is a must for Henson, who is currently working on two films - Blood Done Sign My Name and Tekken will be released in 2009. Henson’s latest film, The Express, opened on October 10, 2008, where in plays running back Jim Brown.

The Express is based on the incredible true story and follows the inspirational life of college football hero Ernie Davis, the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. Following his draft by the NFL, tragedy struck the star athlete and he was never able to take the professional field. But his tale would forever change the face of professional sports.

Henson and I both agreed that the benefits from exercising are endless.

Here are 9 reasons to incorporate an exercise plan into your everyday life.
1 You stay motivated and committed to a fun and challenging workout.
2 You reduce total body-fat percentage and strengthen muscular system
3 You build confidence and a sense of well-being You improve the ability to relax, to keep calm and poised under high pressure
4 You develop discipline
5 You will tone muscles
6 You will increase endurance and stamina
7 You will improve flexibility and balance
8 You will improve co-ordination
9 You will burn fat and lose weight

I have created The Express Bodyweight Workout. You can start The Express Bodyweight

Workout right away. And the faster you start, the faster you can start seeing and feeling the benefits that are listed above.

Click on the link below and try the Express Bodyweight Workout

In the meantime, go to the theater and check out Henson’s enjoyable performance in The Express.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Try This MVP Baseball Tips Workout

One of the latest trends in weight lifting today is training with kettlebells. Kettlebells look like a cannon ball made of iron cast with a handle on top.

The kettlebell is an ancient Russian exercise device; the kettlebell has long been a favorite in that country for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance.

How can this “iron cannonball with a handle attached” be the best kept secret—as well as an outstanding tool to get in the best shape for baseball?

It is because kettlebell training helps you achieve and maintain the highest levels of power, strength, conditioning and flexibility by boosting your heart rate with a combination of cardio and strength training exercises.

Strength coach, Mike Mahler adds, “Unlike many other forms of cardio, kettlebell training is brutal fun and a hard cardio kettlebell workout gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

A kettlebell workout is very beneficial for baseball players. In fact, in some baseball programs across the country kettlebells are quickly becoming the tool of choice for baseball players who want to quickly accelerate their conditioning.

Pat Rigsby of the Fitness Consulting Group says "If you're looking for an innovative way to jump ahead of your competition on the playing field, kettlebell training for baseball is a must! “

Kettlebells can be found in some fitness and sporting goods stores, but in most cases you will have to order them online. The costs range for $39.99 each for a 10 pound kettlebell and $139 each for 72 pounds.

Here is another tip, don't try kettlebell training if you're looking for an easy way out.

Try it only if you're prepared to work hard, have fun and get in the best shape you've ever been in.