Monday, September 29, 2008

Give Yourself the Push Up Test

According to the New York Times, the push-up is the ultimate barometer of fitness. It tests the whole body, engaging muscle groups in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips and legs. It requires the body to be taut like a plank with toes and palms on the floor. The act of lifting and lowering one’s entire weight is taxing even for the very fit.

So I decided to find out my own fitness level and I performed the 1 minute push up test. The results were surprising.

Click Here to find out more.

I suggest that you give yourself the 1 minute push up test. Push ups are a great way to improve your strength at the plate. Do a set of 1 minute push ups 4-5 times per week and watch your batting average soar.

Once you perform the 1 minute push up test, you can evaluate your score by clicking on the link below and filling out your results.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Speed Kills!!!

Ozzie Smith always took pride in his speed and baserunner ability.
A speedy baserunner can change the tempo of the game.

Once you get on base your goal is to score a run.

If you are struggling or want to improve your speed here my advice.

Hire a speed coach.
Where can your find a speed coach?

It's simple hire the track coach at your school.

Most coaches are eager and willing to help athletes who want to improve their skills.

Just simply tell the track coach that you need help in improving your speed and will he be able to help you out?

I'm pretty sure he will say "of course" and before you know it you will improve your "wheels" on the bases.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Superset Your Workouts

Here is a MVP Baseball Tip for your off-season conditioning.

Superset your workouts - Some recent studies are showing that super-setting workouts can make you stronger and faster than one single set or multiple standard set workout.

So if time's an issue try incorporating a super-setting system where you do multiple exercises in succession so that you can accomplish more results in less time.

Baseball Nutrition Tips-Interview with Jayson Hunter

Eating is very important to your baseball success. Click on the link below and get tips on nutrition from Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter.

BS in Nutrition and Dietetics Registered Dietitian Licensed Dietitian.

Jayson Hunter takes great pride in educating athletes worldwide on the truth about eating habits and nutrition. This interview reveals many of the reasons why Hunter believes firmly the fueling your with the proper food and supplements will make you a MVP!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stay In Shape During the Off-Season

Ozzie Smith valued his time during the off-season.

The off-season for baseball is a very important time of the year. But sometimes it can have a negative effect on eating habits and your training routine. In fact, if you miss a few days of working out, it sometimes it takes several days or a week to get back into the normal routine and feel like your self again.

Although the season may be over and it's more difficult to follow your normal routine, you still shouldn't go all out and blow all the progress you've made. You should continue to work on some skill of your game and eat right everyday.

A good way to stay in shape is to play another sport. It keeps you sharp competitively and increases your confidence.

If you are specialize in baseball, I suggest that you train for an upcoming 5K race in your area.

Training for a 5K will keep your legs strong, increase your speed and at the same time it will improve your endurance.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Six Pack Abs

Six Pack Abs - strong abdominal muscles are very important in baseball. It is also a common goal in the fitness industry.

If you are a pitcher, having strong ab muscles can add 7-10 mph onto your fast ball.

And when you are at the plate, having strong core muscles can add power to your swing.

One of the keys to Ozzie Smith's success was his strong ab muscles.

Strong ab muscles will allow you have a much quicker torso, which will make you run faster and be more explosive.

I have develop a great ab workout routine called The MVP Abs From Hell. This workout will make your abs burn and will increase your quickness and speed on the playing field.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Attitude is Everything!

Ozzie Smith had a great attitude during his playing career and he still maintains a positive attitude now that he is retired.

When it comes to playing baseball. Have a great attitude! A negative attitude can destroy your performance on the diamond. Working hard, achieving academic excellence and living well by making the right decisions in life are a direct correlation with a positive attitude.

Keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with positive people and influences, while you look to improve yourself on and off the field.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hire A Personal Trainer

Ozzie Smith was well ahead of his time when he decided to hire a personal trainer to make him stronger during his playing days.

Ozzie was one of the first players in Major League history to hire a Personal Trainer. He hired Mackie Shilstone to help improve his game.

Shilstone's training program allowed Ozzie's batting to average to jumped from .280 (in '86) to .303 in '87.

Hire a personal trainer or hitting or pitching coach - It is proven that having a motivating and positive support system will help you stay with your goals.

Remember those goals you have set for yourself? How many have you achieved? Was improving your strength and quickness part of those goals? Or are you just sitting around, wasting time and being a couch potato and not working on improving your baseball skills during the off season?

Get motivated and use a Personal Trainer, Hitting or Pitching Coach to help support you in your goals and improve your overall game.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fuel Your Body

After a workout be sure to feed and fuel your body so your muscles can grow.

Wait no more than one hour before eating a balanced meal containing not only protein (i.e., eggs, chicken, and fish) but complex carbohydrates (i.e., whole grains, green vegetables).

For convenience you may opt to have a protein shake as an after workout meal. A great workout recovery drink is Prograde Workout.

Prograde Workout is described as "The Most Complete, Scientifically Proven, Field Tested Workout Recovery Formula Ever Created, Guaranteed to Dramatically Improve Recovery Time, Burn Fat, Build Muscle and Send Your Athletic Performance Into Super-Overdrive!"

For more info on Prograde Workout go to the link below.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Give Your Injury a Rest

Give it a Rest - even when injured.

Working out while nursing an injury puts a temporary stress on the body, which may prolong your injury.

It may be OK to work out when injured (depending on the severity) but a few days of rest is usually just what the doctor ordered. A short break won't have a negative affect on your overall baseball goals.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rest Is a Key To Success

Resting and Re-energizing your body is key to your baseball success.

Not enough sleep can dramatically affect your physical play on the field and your alertness in the classroom and on the diamond.

While you sleep, your body is recovering and resting from all the things you have done during your day. Your neurotransmitter is brought back in line, your muscles relax, and your mind is allowed to clear itself in preparation for school and your next game or doubleheader.

If you are not getting enough rest, you will begin to notice it in a your play. While there is no perfect number in terms of hours of sleep, 8 hours should be your target each and every night.