Monday, March 17, 2008

9 Ways to Motivate Yourself

1.Write Down Your Goals - If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail

2.Create A Dream Board - Anything that will remind you of what to do and why you are doing it is a very potent motivational tool.

3.Develop a Workout Plan - Improve your strength and conditioning to have your best season ever!

4.Find A Mentor - A mentor will give you advice on the "do's and don'ts."

5.Learn From Your Favorite Athlete - Observe how your favorite plays the game of baseball.

6.Hang Around Positive Friends - Stay out of trouble.

7.Read Jackie Robinson's Biography - A great way to learn the history of baseball.

8.Buy MVP Baseball Tips Featuring Ozzie Smith ebook - 21 tips and 21 workouts to improve your game, plus hear a 30 minute audio interview from the "Wizard."

9.Don’t Give Up! - YOU ARE AWESOME - Hang in there, when times get tough.

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