Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baseball Training Aids

Baseball training aids are an effective way to learn the skills you need to achieve MVP status. They can aid in muscular development, hand eye coordination, as well as on posture and instruction on skills. But, which are the best baseball training aids to take your game to the next level? Here are two ways to improve your game from

Training videos - One of the best ways to learn what the pros know is to use videos that they create. Many of the professional players and coaches are more than willing to share their experiences about techniques and tips that work. Learn these by watching and reacting to videos. The problem with these, though, is that you don’t have someone watching what you are doing and correcting your stance or your aim. So, watch them with someone else and allow them to tell you if you are actually doing what the video says. This is an all-year-round tool to benefit from.

Summer Camp or Clinics - Probably the very best option to think about investing is are baseball camps or clinics. Baseball camps are offered for virtually all age groups depending on your needs and skills. Baseball Camps are also offered during Christmas and Spring break. The benefit here is one on-one-training that you can not get anywhere else unless you have a personal coach, of course.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Find a Mentor

To find a mentor, identify someone you admire and respect.

For example, you may be a high school baseball player wanting to gain a scholarship to your State University. You can choose someone from your own high school who has received a scholarship to the same University.

Decide what you need in a mentor -- what skills you'd like to develop with your mentor's help. (It may be hitting for power, hitting for average, improving your speed, fielding or throwing).

Simply look around and find someone who has achieved the goal that you want to accomplish, as well as someone who shares good values. When you find one, don’t be afraid to ask.

Be sure to let your mentor know what you are trying to accomplish. Mentors are most likely to invest in people who want to improve themselves.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Surround Yourself with Winners

Surround yourself with winners - One of the key qualities of all successful people is that they avoid negative people

Surround yourself with people and things that are mature, that stay out of trouble and that make the right decision in life.

Hanging out with people who are bad news and always complain and never take persistent action will ensure that you never reach your goal.

Here are five tips for a good lasting friendship.

Positive friends make sure you are there for each other when they need you, not when you need something for them.

Positive friends keep in touch. You should always communicate. Send an email or text message and call them on the phone.

Positive friends don’t gossip. Friends don’t bad mouth each other.

Positive friends are happy for each other when they are successful.
When they win a game – celebrate with them.

Positive friends support each other – Go out of your way to show your support for a friend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Off Season Strength and Conditioning is Key to your Success

An off season workout is the key to your baseball success during the season. Ozzie Smith would tell you that incorporating a off season strength and conditioning program is "what separates you from being a good player compared to a great player. "

Click on the link below and try the MVP Baseball Bodyweight workout. It is a great workout to do when you are short on time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Never Give Up

Cleveland Indian left handed pitcher, Cliff Lee won the American League Cy Young Award.

As you recall, Lee was demoted to the minors last year and went a major league-best 22-3 this season with a 2.54 ERA.

Lee is a perfect example of the M.V.P. Blueprint.

M - Motivation - Lee's motivation was to prove everybody wrong by sending him back to the minors.

V - Vigor - it took hard work and dedication for Lee to win the Cy Young Award.

P - Persistence - Not giving up is the key. Being persistent is having a continuous, deep-rooted, never-ending and tenacious attitude of not giving up.

Believing in you is having confidence, courage, determination, and heart to get the job done.

Having the combination of persistence and confidence is a winning combination that will not only make you a MVP on the field, but it will make you a MVP for every aspect of your life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Boxing Workout is a Great Way to Get in Shape During the Off Season

Staying in shape during the off season was a must for Ozzie Smith.

A great way to get in tip top shape is by incorporating boxing into your off season conditioning program.

The benefits from boxing are endless. Here are 9 reasons to incorporate boxing into your off season strength and conditioning plan.

1. You stay motivated and committed to a fun and challenging workout.

2. You reduce total body-fat percentage and strengthen muscular system

3. You build confidence and a sense of well-being

4. You improve the ability to relax, to keep calm and poised under high pressure
5. You develop discipline
6. You will tone muscles
7. You will increase endurance and stamina
8. You will improve flexibility and balance
9. You will improve co-ordination10. You will burn fat and loose weight

A good boxing workout not only challenging and motivating it will also make you feel like a MVP!

Click on the link below for an example of a quick boxing routine.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Express Bodyweight Workout

I recently met with actor and dancer Darrin Henson to talk about my favorite subject FITNESS. Henson, who played "Lem Van Adams" in the Showtime series Soul Food and "Grant" in the movie Stomp The Yard is a fitness buff and uses bodyweight training as a workout technique for his busy schedule.

Staying in shape is a must for Henson, who is currently working on two films - Blood Done Sign My Name and Tekken will be released in 2009. Henson’s latest film, The Express, opened on October 10, 2008, where in plays running back Jim Brown.

The Express is based on the incredible true story and follows the inspirational life of college football hero Ernie Davis, the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. Following his draft by the NFL, tragedy struck the star athlete and he was never able to take the professional field. But his tale would forever change the face of professional sports.

Henson and I both agreed that the benefits from exercising are endless.

Here are 9 reasons to incorporate an exercise plan into your everyday life.
1 You stay motivated and committed to a fun and challenging workout.
2 You reduce total body-fat percentage and strengthen muscular system
3 You build confidence and a sense of well-being You improve the ability to relax, to keep calm and poised under high pressure
4 You develop discipline
5 You will tone muscles
6 You will increase endurance and stamina
7 You will improve flexibility and balance
8 You will improve co-ordination
9 You will burn fat and lose weight

I have created The Express Bodyweight Workout. You can start The Express Bodyweight

Workout right away. And the faster you start, the faster you can start seeing and feeling the benefits that are listed above.

Click on the link below and try the Express Bodyweight Workout

In the meantime, go to the theater and check out Henson’s enjoyable performance in The Express.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Try This MVP Baseball Tips Workout

One of the latest trends in weight lifting today is training with kettlebells. Kettlebells look like a cannon ball made of iron cast with a handle on top.

The kettlebell is an ancient Russian exercise device; the kettlebell has long been a favorite in that country for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance.

How can this “iron cannonball with a handle attached” be the best kept secret—as well as an outstanding tool to get in the best shape for baseball?

It is because kettlebell training helps you achieve and maintain the highest levels of power, strength, conditioning and flexibility by boosting your heart rate with a combination of cardio and strength training exercises.

Strength coach, Mike Mahler adds, “Unlike many other forms of cardio, kettlebell training is brutal fun and a hard cardio kettlebell workout gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

A kettlebell workout is very beneficial for baseball players. In fact, in some baseball programs across the country kettlebells are quickly becoming the tool of choice for baseball players who want to quickly accelerate their conditioning.

Pat Rigsby of the Fitness Consulting Group says "If you're looking for an innovative way to jump ahead of your competition on the playing field, kettlebell training for baseball is a must! “

Kettlebells can be found in some fitness and sporting goods stores, but in most cases you will have to order them online. The costs range for $39.99 each for a 10 pound kettlebell and $139 each for 72 pounds.

Here is another tip, don't try kettlebell training if you're looking for an easy way out.

Try it only if you're prepared to work hard, have fun and get in the best shape you've ever been in.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Give Yourself the Push Up Test

According to the New York Times, the push-up is the ultimate barometer of fitness. It tests the whole body, engaging muscle groups in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips and legs. It requires the body to be taut like a plank with toes and palms on the floor. The act of lifting and lowering one’s entire weight is taxing even for the very fit.

So I decided to find out my own fitness level and I performed the 1 minute push up test. The results were surprising.

Click Here to find out more.

I suggest that you give yourself the 1 minute push up test. Push ups are a great way to improve your strength at the plate. Do a set of 1 minute push ups 4-5 times per week and watch your batting average soar.

Once you perform the 1 minute push up test, you can evaluate your score by clicking on the link below and filling out your results.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Speed Kills!!!

Ozzie Smith always took pride in his speed and baserunner ability.
A speedy baserunner can change the tempo of the game.

Once you get on base your goal is to score a run.

If you are struggling or want to improve your speed here my advice.

Hire a speed coach.
Where can your find a speed coach?

It's simple hire the track coach at your school.

Most coaches are eager and willing to help athletes who want to improve their skills.

Just simply tell the track coach that you need help in improving your speed and will he be able to help you out?

I'm pretty sure he will say "of course" and before you know it you will improve your "wheels" on the bases.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Superset Your Workouts

Here is a MVP Baseball Tip for your off-season conditioning.

Superset your workouts - Some recent studies are showing that super-setting workouts can make you stronger and faster than one single set or multiple standard set workout.

So if time's an issue try incorporating a super-setting system where you do multiple exercises in succession so that you can accomplish more results in less time.

Baseball Nutrition Tips-Interview with Jayson Hunter

Eating is very important to your baseball success. Click on the link below and get tips on nutrition from Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter.

BS in Nutrition and Dietetics Registered Dietitian Licensed Dietitian.

Jayson Hunter takes great pride in educating athletes worldwide on the truth about eating habits and nutrition. This interview reveals many of the reasons why Hunter believes firmly the fueling your with the proper food and supplements will make you a MVP!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stay In Shape During the Off-Season

Ozzie Smith valued his time during the off-season.

The off-season for baseball is a very important time of the year. But sometimes it can have a negative effect on eating habits and your training routine. In fact, if you miss a few days of working out, it sometimes it takes several days or a week to get back into the normal routine and feel like your self again.

Although the season may be over and it's more difficult to follow your normal routine, you still shouldn't go all out and blow all the progress you've made. You should continue to work on some skill of your game and eat right everyday.

A good way to stay in shape is to play another sport. It keeps you sharp competitively and increases your confidence.

If you are specialize in baseball, I suggest that you train for an upcoming 5K race in your area.

Training for a 5K will keep your legs strong, increase your speed and at the same time it will improve your endurance.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Six Pack Abs

Six Pack Abs - strong abdominal muscles are very important in baseball. It is also a common goal in the fitness industry.

If you are a pitcher, having strong ab muscles can add 7-10 mph onto your fast ball.

And when you are at the plate, having strong core muscles can add power to your swing.

One of the keys to Ozzie Smith's success was his strong ab muscles.

Strong ab muscles will allow you have a much quicker torso, which will make you run faster and be more explosive.

I have develop a great ab workout routine called The MVP Abs From Hell. This workout will make your abs burn and will increase your quickness and speed on the playing field.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Attitude is Everything!

Ozzie Smith had a great attitude during his playing career and he still maintains a positive attitude now that he is retired.

When it comes to playing baseball. Have a great attitude! A negative attitude can destroy your performance on the diamond. Working hard, achieving academic excellence and living well by making the right decisions in life are a direct correlation with a positive attitude.

Keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with positive people and influences, while you look to improve yourself on and off the field.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hire A Personal Trainer

Ozzie Smith was well ahead of his time when he decided to hire a personal trainer to make him stronger during his playing days.

Ozzie was one of the first players in Major League history to hire a Personal Trainer. He hired Mackie Shilstone to help improve his game.

Shilstone's training program allowed Ozzie's batting to average to jumped from .280 (in '86) to .303 in '87.

Hire a personal trainer or hitting or pitching coach - It is proven that having a motivating and positive support system will help you stay with your goals.

Remember those goals you have set for yourself? How many have you achieved? Was improving your strength and quickness part of those goals? Or are you just sitting around, wasting time and being a couch potato and not working on improving your baseball skills during the off season?

Get motivated and use a Personal Trainer, Hitting or Pitching Coach to help support you in your goals and improve your overall game.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fuel Your Body

After a workout be sure to feed and fuel your body so your muscles can grow.

Wait no more than one hour before eating a balanced meal containing not only protein (i.e., eggs, chicken, and fish) but complex carbohydrates (i.e., whole grains, green vegetables).

For convenience you may opt to have a protein shake as an after workout meal. A great workout recovery drink is Prograde Workout.

Prograde Workout is described as "The Most Complete, Scientifically Proven, Field Tested Workout Recovery Formula Ever Created, Guaranteed to Dramatically Improve Recovery Time, Burn Fat, Build Muscle and Send Your Athletic Performance Into Super-Overdrive!"

For more info on Prograde Workout go to the link below.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Give Your Injury a Rest

Give it a Rest - even when injured.

Working out while nursing an injury puts a temporary stress on the body, which may prolong your injury.

It may be OK to work out when injured (depending on the severity) but a few days of rest is usually just what the doctor ordered. A short break won't have a negative affect on your overall baseball goals.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rest Is a Key To Success

Resting and Re-energizing your body is key to your baseball success.

Not enough sleep can dramatically affect your physical play on the field and your alertness in the classroom and on the diamond.

While you sleep, your body is recovering and resting from all the things you have done during your day. Your neurotransmitter is brought back in line, your muscles relax, and your mind is allowed to clear itself in preparation for school and your next game or doubleheader.

If you are not getting enough rest, you will begin to notice it in a your play. While there is no perfect number in terms of hours of sleep, 8 hours should be your target each and every night.

Monday, July 7, 2008

5 No Fail Ways To Become An All-Star

Ozzie Smith was named to the National League All-Star Team 15 times!

You too can become an All-Star, but of course it takes hard work and dedication to become a solid five tool player. (Hitting for average, hitting for power, speed, throwing and fielding.)

Here are five strategies and principles that will help you become successful not only on the field but off the field as well.

1. Set Goals - Write your goals down. Get out some posted-notes and stick you goals on your bathroom mirror so I can see them everyday. Once you have achieved your goal, stick the posted note on your dresser so that you can visualize your past success!

2. Get Support - Tell your coach and parents about the goals you want to accomplish. Believe me they will do their best to help you reach your dreams.

3. Have a Great Attitude - Believing in yourself is paramount. When or if you get into a slump remember that it is a part of the game. Maintaining a great attitude during the tough times will make you not only a better player, but it will make you a better person.

4. Work Hard - Stay on top of your game by staying after practice to field more grounders and fly balls and take extra batting practice.

5. Get Stronger - Continue to work on your strength and conditioning all year around. As the season gets longer the more important the games become and you want to make sure that you are in the best shape so that you can play your best during the most important part of the season.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Avoiding the Mid Season Lull

Avoiding the mid season lull was a key to Ozzie Smith's success.

Nagging injuries can take a lot away from your performance on the field.

Keeping your body fresh, strong and injury free is very important as championship time rolls around.

Eating right and getting the proper rest is vital, but continuing your strength training during the season is just as important.

I recommend that you lift weights two to three times per week during the season. Lifting during the season will maintain your strength and give you added endurance during tournament play.

Remember you want to remain strong so that you can be a MVP when the game is on the line.
This especially true if your team is in the losers bracket and you have to play a lot of games in order to win the championship game.

Here is a workout that you can incorporate in your strength training routine during the season.

This routine is for your upper body (shoulders, chest and back) and is geared to increase your power at the plate.

MVP Baseball Tips In Season Workout

Note: Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury in your case, consult your doctor before beginning this exercise program. MVP Fitness, LLC and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice, MVP Fitness, LLC disclaims any liability from and in connection with this program. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a physician.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ozzie Smith's Fielding Secrets

One of the things baseball players consistently want to know is how they can improve their fielding skills.

It's pretty simple really. But it requires getting out of your
comfort zone and getting in weight room, fielding grounders,
shagging some fly balls and working hard in a big, big way.

Most baseball players would rather find out some magic formula.

I interviewed Hall of Fame Shortstop Ozzie Smith one of the most successful and hungriest baseball players on earth.

Ozzie kicked butt and made it happen.

He reveals his secrets that allowed him to win 13 Gold Glove Awards.

If you want to become a better defensive player here is Ozzie's advice:

1. Work hard
2. Stop thinking negative
3. Start taking action
4. Set individual and team goals
5. Get motivated, be persistence and believe in yourself

You've got to want it. And you've got to want it bad.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Staying in Shape During the Baseball Season

Keeping sharp and fresh during the baseball season was a key to Ozzie Smith success.

The benefit of keeping your body fit includes avoiding nagging injuries and not hitting the mid-season lull.

Playing night games, doubleheaders and tournaments throughout the year can take a toll on your body. Incorporating an in-season weight lifting program for two – three times per week for 45 minutes can keep those nagging injuries and the mid season slumps in check and can help you achieve MVP status.

Top Five Benefits of In-Season Weight Lifting Program.

1. Weight training energizes you – Playing a 60-80 game schedule in the spring, summer and fall requires you to have some get- up- and- go.

2. Weight training makes you strong – Strength training will increase your power at the plate and improve your MPH on your fastball.

3. Weight training gives you confidence on the playing field – Working hard in the weight room will make the game easier to play on the diamond.

4. Weight training improves your balance and coordination – Makes you less prone to injuries such as lower back injuries.

5. Weight training tends to improves sleep patterns – You will need rest to play like a MVP.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What To Eat During Tournament Play

Watching what you eat was very important during Ozzie Smith's playing days.

Playing in a tournament can be grueling on your body and your eating habits.

When you play hard your body gets hungry and you may want to grab something to eat between games, but eating a healthy meal can be a difficult task.

Try to avoid eating fast food or food from the concession stand. Instead, opt for fruit or energy bars.

My recommended energy bar called Prograde Cravers and is made by Prograde Nutrition.

Prograde Cravers are the perfect healthy snack for the Baseball Player during tournament play or when playing a doubleheader…

Just look at what advantages Cravers have over other so-called “nutrition” bars on the market:

- They are the best-tasting bars on the market: Bar-none (sorry, pun intended)

- Organic ingredients: No chemicals or artificial anything!

- The perfect snack size: Each bar is only 180 calories, so it’s a perfect sized snack to hold you over between games.

- Zero trans fats: Cravers have the healthy fats your body needs to keep your metabolism revving high.

- No preservatives or stabilizers: It’s all natural and 100% organic!

- 3 grams of healthy fiber: Keeps you feeling full for longer.

- Sustained energy: The perfect amount of complex carbohydrates for ongoing energy when you need it most.

For more info on Prograde Cravers go to

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cool Weather Playing Tips

Playing in the spring means playing in unpredictable weather conditions. Here are a few tips to warm up your game.

Wear less, but layer your clothing: During cool springtime weather, you’ll need less heavy clothing as long as you are moving briskly. Wear light layers, and wear a jacket or windbreaker to keep you warm during warm ups and while sitting in the dugout when your team is batting.

Proper clothing is a good investment: Invest in a few key garments, particularly the layer that is closest to your body and underneath your jersey. Be sure your first layer is made of one of the synthetic fabrics that wick away perspiration and let it evaporate, such as Underamour gear.

Warm yourself with proper stretching: Always warm up slowly before your game begins your and have a good stretch after you are done. You want to avoid injury so that you can play the entire year injury free. This is more important in the cool weahter than the heat, because hot weather helps you warm up naturally.

Monday, March 31, 2008

How to Develop the "Don't Quit Mindset"

Ozzie Smith learned how to develop the "DON'T QUIT MINDSET" by thinking positive.

Staying motivating, up-beat and positive during a batting slump or during a losing streak can be tough and hard pill to swallow.

Words of encouragement can "pick you up" in the times of struggle, bringing new motivation to your playing skills.

Click on the link below for a stimulating video with a high-energy soundtrack that will inspire you to reach your baseball goals.

Ozzie always remained positive during the tough times by counting his blessings. Remember you are very fortunate to play the game of baseball and every body and I do mean everybody gets in hitting slump every once in a while.

Remember to keep your head up and keep working hard!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Ozzie Smith is a CLASS ACT!

During his playing days, Ozzie displayed good sportsmanship by playing baseball clean and to the best of his ability. That same reputation is true for Ozzie off the field as well.

Sportsmanship is defined as handling both victory and defeat with grace, style and dignity.

Here are the fundamentals of Sportsmanship according to The American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.

Show respect for the opponent at all times. -Always treated an opponent with honesty, and generosity which all human beings deserve.

Show respect for the umpires. Good sportsmanship implies the willingness to accept and abide by the decisions of the umpires. Remember an ump is not perfect, what would you think if an ump criticized you after you made an error or struck out?

Know, understand, and appreciate the rules of baseball. Be familiar with the current rules of the game.

Maintain self-control at all times. The key of good sportsmanship is understanding that being calm, cool and collective are more important than the desire to win. Good sportsmanship is concerned with the behavior of all involved in the game (coach, players, parents, and fans).

Recognize and appreciate skill in performance, regardless of affiliation. The ability to recognize a great performance and the willingness to acknowledge it without regard to team membership is one of the most highly respectable gestures of good sportsmanship.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mental Toughness

Ozzie Smith always played baseball with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)!

How is your PMA?

Here are 4 tips to improve your mental toughness.

1) Always Believe in Yourself. If you think you can`t do it, you are right! . When you are at the plate, concentrate on hitting the ball hard and believe that you will get the job done.

2) Have Confidence. The main reason that players don´t play well in games is nervousness, and the main cause of nervousness is lack of self confidence. You have to believe that you can hit any pitch that the pitcher throws and not get intimidated. You must believe that no one on the mound is better than you. Have a good attitude. Believe in your skills and talents.

3) Strive to Improve Everyday. Both physically and mentally. Work on your skills, hitting to opposite field, pulling the ball and bunting. Learn from watching games and highlights on TV and watch instructional videos to learn even more. Never stop learning!

4) Always Play at Your Best. - Even when playing against teams or players who are not quite as talented, it is important to play at top level. Do not drop your level of play simply to take it easy on the opponent. Compete against your own personal best every time out, and try to achieve that.

You must posses a Positive Mental Attitude not only on the field, but off the field as well.

Remember, mental toughness is what separates a great player from an average player. In a tough, clutch situation, the player with "nerves of steel" is the MVP.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Proper Age for Strength Training

Strength training with free weights, weight machines, and rubber resistance bands are a great way build muscles and confidence on the playing field.

But what is the proper age that a player should start training with weights?

With a properly designed and supervised program a player can start training with weights at the age of 12.

Some experts say that strength training has less wear and tear on a youth’s body than the actual sport. For example, an upper body workout could have less stress on the body compare to a pitcher throwing a complete game for seven innings.

Players under the age of 12 can gain strength by doing a variety of bodyweight exercises such as push ups, jumping jacks and sit ups.

It's important to remember that strength training is very vital to your baseball success.

Strength training is a fun way to build stronger muscles, joints, and bones. With proper training techniques, a player can improve his endurance, conditioning and performance on the baseball diamond. Strength training can even help prevent injuries and speed up recovery.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Base Stealing 101

A good base stealer can change the tempo of the game, especially in the late innings.

Ozzie Smith stole 580 bases in his career and had an amazing successful rate of 79%!

Here are three tips that will improve your base stealing skills.

1. Be Confident - You must believe in your speed and ability and that you can run on any pitcher and catcher.

2. Be Smart - Being wise is as important to a base stealer as speed. You should get a good jump on a pitcher by studying his moves. As soon as a pitcher makes a move towards the plate, you should be off and running.

3. Speed Work - Improving your speed takes hard work and dedication. Running stairs and jumping rope are great ways to improve your speed and quickness.

Remember to work on your hitting skills because a high on-base percentage, good speed and great instincts are the keys to being fearless and having the presence to be very disruptive to pitchers when you get on base.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 Benefits of Weight Training for Baseball

Weight training for baseball is very important to the mental approach to the game.

Here are 5 benefits for baseball weight training.

1. Weight training energizes you.

2. Weight training makes you strong. Strength gives you confidence on & off the field.

3. Weight training makes you less prone to nagging injuries.

4. Weight training improves your balance and coordination.

5. Weight training improves your muscular endurance.

I recommend three 45 minute sessions a week to gain all the potential benefits of strength training for your baseball success.

A great effort in the weight room will reap big benefits on the diamond.

You can feel healthier and play better, which in turn will improve your skills and the benefits can make you a MVP.

Monday, March 17, 2008

9 Ways to Motivate Yourself

1.Write Down Your Goals - If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail

2.Create A Dream Board - Anything that will remind you of what to do and why you are doing it is a very potent motivational tool.

3.Develop a Workout Plan - Improve your strength and conditioning to have your best season ever!

4.Find A Mentor - A mentor will give you advice on the "do's and don'ts."

5.Learn From Your Favorite Athlete - Observe how your favorite plays the game of baseball.

6.Hang Around Positive Friends - Stay out of trouble.

7.Read Jackie Robinson's Biography - A great way to learn the history of baseball.

8.Buy MVP Baseball Tips Featuring Ozzie Smith ebook - 21 tips and 21 workouts to improve your game, plus hear a 30 minute audio interview from the "Wizard."

9.Don’t Give Up! - YOU ARE AWESOME - Hang in there, when times get tough.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I have a big announcement today that I am very proud of because it will help you achieve your baseball goals.

I have finally finished my MVP Baseball Tips featuring Ozzie Smith Ebook and was able to get Hall-of-Fame shortstop, Ozzie Smith to contribute a 30-minute audio interview to ensure that you had every tool imaginable to achieve your goals.

Ozzie's interview is full of tips that will improve your game, among the long list you will discover:

  • Learn What College and Pro Scouts REALLY Look For (99% of baseball players and coaches don't even know this)

  • How Ozzie got his big break into the big leagues and How You Can Too Repeat What He Did

  • A drill GUARANTEED to improve your hitting skills

  • The three keys that will help you sustain your level of play

  • How to use polymetrics as the key to off-season conditioning

  • The main ingredient that separates you from being "good" player and "great" player and how to make the jump

  • Find out Ozzie's greatest accomplishment (you will be surprised)

  • The importance of nutrition for your baseball success

  • The mistakes almost everyone makes when taking supplements

Go right now to to see what I have been able to package together for you.

I sincerely want you to achieve all of your baseball goals and that is why I wanted to make sure that I was able to give you everything you would need to achieve those goals.

For this reason, The MVP Baseball Tips featuring Ozzie Smith e book is backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you don't agree that this it the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of improving your baseball strength and conditioning, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rest and Re-energize

During Ozzie Smith's career, he not only was in tip-top shape, but he made sure he got plenty of rest to perform at a superstar level.

Not getting enough sleep can dramatically affect your performance on the baseball diamond. While you sleep, your body is recovering and resting from all the things you have done during your day.

Sleep calms you down and improves your mood, your muscles relax, and your mind is allowed to clear itself in preparation for the next day's game.

If you are not getting enough rest, you will begin to notice it in a physical way. You may feel sluggish and get tired during pressure situations and you may not be able to come up with a clutch play when the game is on the line.

While there is no perfect number in terms of hours of sleep, 7-8 hours should be your target each and every night.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Increase Your Speed

Speed is very important in baseball. Ozzie Smith’s speed and quickness was a key to his success, he stole 580 bases, scored 1257 runs and of course, made many outstanding defensive plays.

Improving your speed can turn heads and separate you from rest of the pack when being recruited by college coaches or being scouted by major league teams.

Speed Expert Greg Foster, who is a member of the United States Track and Field Hall-of-Fame, says “you must train like a track and field athlete when you are trying to improve your speed and quickness.”

Foster was one of the world's greatest high hurdlers from 1981 to 1991. Foster was a national collegiate champion while at UCLA in both the high hurdles and 200. After college, he won 10 national titles, both indoor and outdoor, and he won the first three world outdoor championships and he won the Silver Medal in the 110m hurdlers in the1984 Olympics.

So are you ready to improve your speed and quickness?

If the answer to the question is yes, go to the link below and listen to an audio interview that I conducted with Foster.

Click Here for Greg Foster Interview

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Read Ozzie Smith’s Biography

When Ozzie Smith was in high school, many people said he was too small and could not hit major league pitching.

Ozzie has become one of the most popular players in major league baseball history.

He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 2002, his first year of eligibility.

What a great story.

Reading a biography of a famous person will lift your motivation. Not to mention expand your vocabulary, it also shows you how different writers put down their thoughts leading to better writing skills for you.

The more you read, the more information you pick up. Reading will also lead to a solid core of knowledge that is useful in a wide variety of classes.

For example, by reading a biography on Jackie Robinson will give you a better understanding of baseball history.

I strongly suggest that you read Ozzie Smith’s biography. Here is a player that beat the odds to become the greatest shortstop who ever played baseball.

More Info on Ozzie Smith

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Give Yourself a Fitness Test

Ozzie Smith's workouts during the off season paid off for him during the season. He did not hit the mid-season lull, like other players do and he avoided nagging injuries.

Are you in tip-top shape for the upcoming season?

Fitness tests are designed to quickly gauge your general fitness level and to act as a benchmark for future testing.

Simply, put the fitness test shows you your current fitness level and shows you the fitness level you should be.

After taking the following test, complete the MVP Baseball Strength and Conditioning Program. Then, take the test again and compare the results.

The test is divided into four sections. Do each part with plenty of rest between to fully recover.

Push-ups to test your upper body strength. – Count how many push ups you can do in one minute. You should do the test “military style” push-up position with only the hands and toes touching the floor.

Sit-up test to test abdominal and core strength. – Count how many sit ups you can do in one minute.

Squats test to test lower body strength. – Count how many squats you can do in one minute.

60 yard dash – See how fast you can run the 60.

Minute Push-up Test
Excellent – More than 56
Good – 47-56
Acceptable – 19-34

Minute Sit-up Test
Excellent – More than 49
Good – 44-49
Acceptable – 39-43

Minute Body Weight Squat Test
Excellent – More than 49
Good – 44-40
Acceptable – 39-43

60 yard dash time
Exceptional - 6.3 to 6.5
Good - 6.5 to 6.8
Acceptable - 7 seconds or less

Friday, January 18, 2008

Increase Your Strength with Kettlebells

Ozzie Smith's off-season weight workouts were a key to his success on the playing field.

Today, one of the latest trends in weight lifting is training with kettlebells. Kettlebells look like a cannon ball made of iron cast with a handle on top.

The kettlebell is an ancient Russian exercise device; the kettlebell has long been a favorite in that country for those seeking a special edge in strength and endurance.

How can this “iron cannonball with a handle attached” be the best kept secret—as well as an outstanding tool to get in the best shape for baseball?

It is because kettlebell training helps you achieve and maintain the highest levels of power, strength, conditioning and flexibility by boosting your heart rate with a combination of cardio and strength training exercises.

Pat Rigsby of the Fitness Consulting Group says "If you're looking for an innovative way to jump ahead of your competition on the playing field, kettlebell training for baseball is a must! “

Kettlebells can be found in some fitness and sporting goods stores, but in most cases you will have to order them online. The costs range for $39.99 each for a 10 pound kettlebell and $139 each for 72 pounds.

There is a kettlebell workout at the bottom of this page.

Here is another tip, don't try kettlebell training if you're looking for an easy way out.

Try it only if you're prepared to work hard, have fun and get in the best shape you've ever been in.

MVP Baseball Workout #15

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Plaster Motivational Quotes On Your Bedroom Wall

Ozzie Smith's motivation to play the game of baseaball with vigor came in a lot of ways.

Collecting quotations, creeds and motivational writings of the world's most influential thinkers can be a great way to become motivated when times get tough.

I believe that these writings, once gathered together, can be a tremendous help to motivate and inspire you.

The right quotation, at the right moment, could help bring your goals into perspective.

Football coach Vince Lombardi had many great quotes that are still true today. Click on the link below and take a look at a few.

Motivation Movie

Where else can you find motivational quotes?

Well, I have the great answer for you – The Bible.

The Bible is full of motivational scriptures – my favorite is:

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me strength I need.

– Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Practice Core Strength Conditioning

Welcome to MVP Baseball Tips Featuring Ozzie Smith

During Ozzie Smith's playing career he knew that core strength training was vital to his success in baseball.

A-Rod and Ichiro are not excellent hitters because they are weak. They hit ropes because they have developed high levels of core strength relative to their swing. Core strength development assists in your balance ability, decreases the possibility of injury and is the first element that powers your swing.

The majority of your bat speed comes from your midsection.

Strengthening your core is also important in throwing the baseball; according to John Boyle “the average pitcher can add 7-10 mph on their fastball in only 60 days utilizing baseball-specific core training”

“Your midsection, or core, strength can determine how well - or bad - you perform on the field, adds Boyle. “Every single movement and skill in the game of baseball starts with the muscles of your midsection. If your strength, flexibility and endurance are not where it should be then you can forget about regular playing time, let alone becoming a star.”

The bottom line is if you desire to improve your swing and drive the ball into the gap for extra bases, working your abs is must in your training.

I have developed a four minute ab routine called the “Abs from Hell.”

This circuit is guaranteed to make your abs burn and increase your power at the plate and add more speed on your fastball on the mound.

Click here to view the MVP Abs from Hell video.

MVP Abs From Hell 4 Minute Workout