Friday, May 23, 2008

Ozzie Smith's Fielding Secrets

One of the things baseball players consistently want to know is how they can improve their fielding skills.

It's pretty simple really. But it requires getting out of your
comfort zone and getting in weight room, fielding grounders,
shagging some fly balls and working hard in a big, big way.

Most baseball players would rather find out some magic formula.

I interviewed Hall of Fame Shortstop Ozzie Smith one of the most successful and hungriest baseball players on earth.

Ozzie kicked butt and made it happen.

He reveals his secrets that allowed him to win 13 Gold Glove Awards.

If you want to become a better defensive player here is Ozzie's advice:

1. Work hard
2. Stop thinking negative
3. Start taking action
4. Set individual and team goals
5. Get motivated, be persistence and believe in yourself

You've got to want it. And you've got to want it bad.

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